The Dashboard module is a configurable page designed to give you a quick snapshot of a wide variety of information. This page allows you to view Sales, Labor, COGS, OML entries, and many other points of data using any of RADAR's 200+ informational widgets. All widgets are Location Group driven so that they display information at the single restaurant, multi-unit, or corporate level.

Typically, an organization will have multiple dashboards configured to align with the informational priorities of a User (e.g., operations, finance) and/or a specific job role (e.g., Store Manager, District Manager). Users only see the dashboards that have been assigned to them, and the information displayed on a dashboard is based on the User's Primary Location Group.

Dashboard Basics

  • Dashboard - Select a dashboard to view
  • Location Group - Select the Location or Location Group for which to view data
  • DOB - Select the date of business (DOB) for which to view data. This field will either default to the current date or the previous day's date, depending on a User's settings
  • Show - Click this to view the data for the selected Location and DOB
  • Edit - Selecting the pencil icon will allow you to edit a dashboard's information; assign Users to view the dashboard; add, delete, or configure widgets; and edit the dashboard's layout. Click here for more information on editing a dashboard
    • Note: Only Users with the proper Dashboard User Permissions will be able to edit a dashboard
  • New - To create a new dashboard, select the blue plus icon. Click here for more information on creating a dashboard
    • Note: Only Users with the proper Dashboard User Permissions will be able to add a new dashboard
  • Delete - To delete a dashboard, select the red x icon. Upon selection, a pop-up window will appear that will allow you to confirm or cancel the deletion

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is it taking so long for my dashboard to load?

A: If there are a large number of widgets on the dashboard, it may take longer for your dashboard to load depending on your internet bandwidth. The loading time may be compounded by the number of Locations you are trying to view, such as viewing 'All Company' or a Location Group with numerous Locations. Although you may add as many widgets as you like to any particular dashboard, it is recommended that you add no more than 10 widgets per dashboard.