The Manager Log Font Settings page allows you to customize the font in the 'Messages' section and the 'Log' section of the Manager Log page. It is important to note that in order for a User to have access to the Manager Log Font Settings page, the 'User cannot adjust OML fonts' User Permission must be deselected on the User Manager page in the Company Configuration module.
Basic Usage
- Font - Select the font type you would like to be displayed in the 'Messages' section and the 'Log' section of the Manager Log page. The available selections include:
- Arial
- Times New Roman
- Courier New
- Palatino
- Garamond
- Bookman
- Avant Garde
- Font Color - Select the font color. 'Select Color' will be selected by default and will result in black text being displayed
- Bold? - Select whether or not you would like the text to be bold
- Italics? - Select whether or not you would like the text to be italicized
- Update - This will save your changes
- Cancel - This will discard any changes