This alert occurs when an Inventory Item has no assigned GL Code.  This can occur when uploading Inventory Items from an Excel file. 

  • Inventory Item Name Filter - Filter the inventory items displayed by entering the item's name into this text field. 
  • Bulk Assign - If you would like to assign multiple inventory items to a single GL Code, select the desired item(s) from the table and enter a GL Code into the auto-fill field displayed above the table. Next, select BULK ASSIGN. 
  • The Inventory Items with no GL Codes assigned Table-The "Inventory Items with no GL Codes assigned" table displays the following information: Inventory Item, Code, and Date Created. 
    • Inventory Item -  If you select an inventory item, you will be navigated to the Inventory Items page where information for the selected inventory item will be displayed. 
    • ASSIGN - To assign a GL Code to a single Inventory item, enter the GL Code into the auto-fill filed that is adjacent to the inventory item.  Next, select ASSIGN.  

Important Note: GL Code will need to be tagged for use in Inventory.