The Benchmarking page is the base page of the Benchmarking module where you can compare various metrics of any single location to those of a selected control group. This page uses a four-step approach, which mimics our Reports, Exports, Charts, and Rankings modules. 

Basic Usage 

  1.  Select a location or location group. 
  2.  Select a date or date range. Note: The Net Sales Chart and Labor Dollar Chart can only be run for a year (rolling or non-rolling). 
  3.  Select advanced options. The following options are available: Control Group: Select the control group you would like to compare to the location selected in Step 1. Note: A location’s assigned primary control group will be selected by default. For more information on setting up control groups, see the Control Groups page. 
    • Metric - Select one of the following tables or charts. 
      • The Previous Year Summary 
      • Previous Year Daypart Summary 
      • Previous Year 
      • Previous Year Daypart 
      • Net Sales Chart 
      • Labor Dollar Chart 
      • Item Group Detail 
      • Comp Detail 
      • Promo Detail 
      • Item Group Conversion 
        • Note: For more information about a specific table or chart, see the Metric Summary section below. 
    • Item Group - If you selected “Item Group Details” metric or “Item Group Conversion” metric in the ‘Metric’ drop-down field, enter a specific item group name into the auto-fill field. As with any other auto-fill field, selections that match your typed information will appear as you type. 
  4.  Select SHOW to view the table or chart. If you are view a table, you will be able to export the data to Microsoft Excel by selecting EXPORT.

Metric Summaries

The metrics displayed on the Benchmarking page are modeled after the control group widgets in the Dashboard module. However, unlike the Dashboard module, this page allows you to quickly alter the date range and the control group used for comparison. 

All tables will display the following information: variance, variance percent (“Var” / “GC Average”), and a year-over-year variance percent for both the location and control group. All charts will display a solid blue line that represents the selected location’s data and a solid yellow line that represents the selected control group’s data. Note: Previous year is calculated at -364. If your company utilizes a "52/53 week" fiscal year and your previous year had 53 weeks, your data will be a week off. 

Previous Year Summary Table

The Previous Year Summary table allows you to see how a location compared to a control group during the selected date range and the same date range of the previous year. This table compares the following information: Net Sales, Gross Sales, Comps, Promos, Voids, Guests, Checks, Entrees, Guest Average, Check Average, Entrée Average, GC Sold, Labor Hours, Labor $, Labor %, OT/DT Hours, and SPLH (sales per labor hour). 

Previous Year Daypart Summary Table

Like the Previous Year Summary table, the Previous Year Daypart Summary table allows you to see how a location compared to a control group during the selected date range and the same date range of the previous year. However, unlike the Previous Year Summary table, this table breaks the data out by daypart. This table compares the following information: Net Sales, Gross Sales, Comps, Promos, Voids, Guests, Checks, Entrees, Guest Average, Check Average, and Entrée Average. 

Previous Year Table

The Previous Year table allows you to see how a location compared to a control group during the selected date range and the same date range of the previous year for one or more metrics. The available metrics for selection include: Net Sales, Gross Sales, Net Sales by Order Mode, Comps, Promos, Voids, Guests, Checks, Entrees, No Sale Rings, Guest Average, Check Average, Entrée Average, Taxes, GC Sold, GC Comps, GC Promos, Labor Hours, Labor Hours by Work Center, Labor $, Labor $ by Work Center, Labor %, Labor % by Work Center, OT/DT Hours, SPLH, SPLH by Work Center, and Surcharges. 

Previous Year Daypart Table

Similar to the Previous Year Table, the Previous Year Daypart table allows you to see how a location compared to a control group during the selected date range and the same date range of the previous year for one or more metrics. The data, however, is broken down by daypart. The available metrics for selection include: Net Sales, Gross Sales, Comps, Promos, Voids, Guests, Checks, Entrees, No Sale Rings, Guest Average, Check Average, Entrée Average, Taxes, GC Sold, GC Comps, GC Promos, and surcharges. 

Net Sales Chart

The Net Sales Chart displays a line graph that compares the weekly Net Sales of the selected location to the weekly Net Sales of the selected control group. 

Labor Dollar Chart

The Labor Dollar Chart displays a line graph that compares weekly Labor Dollar amounts of the selected location to the weekly Labor Dollar amounts of the selected control group. 

Item Group Detail Table

The Item Group Detail table displays the percentage of menu item sales (Bill Price/ total Net Sales) for all menu items assigned to the selected item group. This table shows how the percentages of a location compared to those of a control group during the selected date range and the same date range of the previous year. 

Comp Detail Table

The Comp Detail table displays comp percentages (percent of total Net Sales) and shows how the percentages of a location compared to those of a control group during the selected date range and the same date range of the previous year. 

Promo Detail Table

The Promo Detail table displays promo percentages (percent of total Net Sales) and shows how the percentages of a location compared to those of a control group during the selected date range and the same date range of the previous year. 

Item Group Conversion Table

The Item Group Detail table displays the percentage of menu item sales for all menu items assigned to the selected item group. This table shows how the percentages of a location compared to those of a control group during the selected date range and the same date range of the previous year. This table is similar to the Item Group Detail Table, but the percentages on this table are calculated differently. The percentages on this table are based on the following calculation: # checks with the item / total number of checks.