The Disclaimer Text page allows you to edit the disclaimer text that appears on the bottom of the Event contract report when the “Show Event Agreement – Disclaimer Section” option is selected. 

Basic Usage 

  • Location - Select a location for which you would like to view and/or edit the disclaimer text. 
  • Default - Unless prior changes have been made, all locations will display the “All Locations (Default)” text. This text is denoted by grey italic font. Additionally, “Yes” will be displayed in the “Using Default?” column. 
  • Custom - Location-specific custom text can be created by editing the text assigned to a specific location. This text will display as normal black text. Additionally, “No” will be displayed in the “Using Default?” column. 
  • Edit - To edit the disclaimer text, select the pencil icon. Note: Making any changes to the default text when a primary location is selected from the ‘Location’ drop-down will cause the location to use a custom disclaimer text. This will not affect the other locations’ disclaimer text. 
  • UPDATE / CANCEL - Select UPDATE to commit your changes or CANCEL to negate any changes made. 
  • REVERT TO DEFAULT - If you are editing the disclaimer text for locations that are not using the default text, you have the option to revert the custom text back to the “All Locations (Default)” text by selecting REVERT TO DEFAULT.