The Contacts page allows you to view, edit, deactivate, and create new contacts. 

Searching for a Contact

  • Contact Search - If you only know part of a contact’s name, you can enter it into this field to search for all contacts that match your entered information.
  • Company - Enter a company name into the auto-fill field to search for contacts associated with a specific company. As with any other auto-fill field, selections that match your typed information will appear as you type.
  • Rows per Page - Adjust the size of the Contacts table below by selecting the number of Contacts to show per page.
  • Display - Select whether to view All, Active, or Deactivated contacts. “Active” is selected by default.
  • SHOW - Select SHOW to view the results that match your search criteria. 

Adding a New Contact 

To add a new contact, you may either select ADD NEW CONTACT to manually enter the contact’s information, or you may select UPLOAD CONTACTS to upload a CSV file. If you select UPLOAD CONTACTS, you will be automatically navigated to the Upload Event Management Contacts page. For more information on uploading contacts, please see the Upload Event Management Contacts page. 

If you select ADD NEW CONTACT, the “New Contact” window will appear where you will be able to enter the following: 

  • Company - Enter the contact’s associated company into this auto-fill field.
  • NEW - If the contact is not associated with a company that does not currently exist in your database, select NEW. Upon selection, the “New Company” window will appear where you will need to enter the company’s name and select SAVE.
  • First/Last Name - Enter the contact’ first and last name into these two text fields. Note: These are the only fields that are required when creating a new contact.
  • Phone - Enter the contact’s home phone into this text field.
  • Cell - Enter the contact’s cell phone number into this text field.
  • Work - Enter the contact’s work number into this text field.
  • Fax - Enter the contact’s fax number into this text filed.
  • Email - Enter the contact’s email address into this text field.
  • Address - Enter the contact’s physical address into this text field.
  • SAVE/CANCEL - Select SAVE to create the new contact or CANCEL to negate the creation of a new contact. 

The Contacts Table 

The Contacts table displays the following information for each contact: last name, first name, company, contact information, address, and number of events. 

  • Email - If you select a contact’s email address in the “Contact Info” column, you will be able to quickly email the individual.
  • # Events - If you select a value in the “# Events” column, you will be navigated to the Event List page where events for the selected contact will automatically be displayed.
  • Edit - If you select the pencil icon, you will be able to edit a contact’s information. You can edit the same fields that exist in the “New Contact” window. For more information on these fields, see the Adding a New Contact section above.
  • Deactivate - Select the red x icon to deactivate a contact. Upon selection, a confirmation window will appear where you can confirm or cancel the deactivation.