The Labor Scheduling Settings page allows you to adjust the settings and behavior of the Labor Scheduling module. Only users with the proper permissions have access to the Labor Scheduling Settings page, and any changes made on this page will be applied immediately. Setting changes are global to you company’s database and cannot be adjusted for each individual location. 

Select EDIT at the top left corner of the Labor Scheduling Settings page to edit one or more settings. Once you have finished making changes, select SAVE to save your changes or CANCEL to cancel changes. 

Labor Scheduling 

  • Schedule Start Hour - Use this drop-down field to select your schedule start time. 
  • Show Long Shift Warnings Above - Enter the maximum amount of hours that can be worked before a long shift alert is displayed in the Alert Summary section of the Builder page. 
  • Show Hours in a Day Warning Above - Enter the maximum amount of hours that can be worked before a long day alert is displayed in the Alert Summary section of the Builder page. 
  • Show Hours in a Week Warning for Part Time Employees Above - Enter the maximum amount of hours that can be worked before a part time warning alert is displayed on the View Schedules page and the Builder page. 
  • Hide Out Times for Employees - This setting will cause the “Hide Out Time” on the “Email Employees” section of the View Schedules page to be automatically selected. 
  • Obey CC/Jobs Exclude Settings - Select whether or not employee data (estimated rate, projected wages, and projected labor percent) for jobs with a pay type set to “Exclude” will be displayed in the summary tables on the View Schedules page. Note that all other information (employee name, total number of shifts/hours, projected sales, and SPLH) will be displayed. 
  • Use Budget Amounts for Labor % Calculations - By default, forecasts are used for labor percent calculations. Selecting this option will cause labor percent calculations to be based on budget amounts from uploaded budgets. 
  • Group Shifts Within X Minutes of One Another - Enter the number of minutes for the two shifts will be grouped together if the time between the two shifts is less than or equal to the amount entered for this setting. This setting is useful for those wanting to schedule meal breaks for their employees but desire to group their employees in one time block instead of two. Note: Entering "0" will result in the setting being turned off and no shifts will be grouped together. 

Advanced Labor Scheduling 

The settings listed below will only be available if you are utilizing the Advanced Labor Scheduling module. 

  • Populate Scheduled Employee Hours and Dollars to Forecasting - If this setting is turned on, labor hours and labor dollars will automatically populate corresponding forecasts. 
  • Show Additional Forecasts on Builder - Select the additional forecasts you would like to display in the Daily Summary section of the Builder page. 
  • Jobs to Ignore for Alerts - Select the jobs you would like to ignore for alerts. This can be useful if you are constantly (purposefully) scheduling overtime for your managers or other employees. 
  • Hide PY Sales on Builder - Turn on this setting to hide Prior Year Sales from the Daily Summary section of the Builder page. 
  • Hide Four Week Average on Builder - Turn on this setting to hide the Four Week Average from the Summary section of the Builder page. 
  • Hide Manager Log Events on Builder - Turn on this setting if you do not wish to view Manager Log Events in the Daily Summary section of the Builder page. 
  • Hide Manager Log Staffing Notes on Builder - Turn on this setting if you do not wish to view Manager Log Staffing Notes in the Daily Summary section of the Builder page. 
  • Disallow Posting When Employees are Double Booked - If this setting is turned on, you will not be able to post a schedule if an employee is scheduled to work two jobs during the same time range. 
  • Disallow Posting With Employees Scheduled Over 40 Hours - If this setting is turned on, you will not be able to post a schedule if an employee is scheduled to work more than 40 hours in one week. 
  • Disallow Posting When There are Availability Conflicts - If this setting is turned on, you will not be able to post a schedule if an employee has an unavailability request conflict.
  • Disallow Posting When There are Unassigned Shifts - If this setting is turned on, you will not be able to post a schedule if a scheduled shift does not have an employee assigned to it. 
  • Disallow Posting When Employees are Assigned to Jobs Not Worked Before - If this setting is turned on, you will not be able to post a schedule if an employee is assigned to a job they have never worked before. 
  • Show all Jobs at these Locations - Select the location(s) for which all jobs, including jobs that are not currently active at the selected location, to be displayed on the Builder page and Labor Template page. 
  • Jobs to Exclude from Builder and Template - Select one or more jobs to exclude from being selected on the Builder page and Labor Template page.