The Waste Types page allows you to create waste types for use in waste entries and templates. These typically include entries like spoiled, dropped, food tasting, etc. 

New Waste Type: Select + NEW WASTE TYPE to begin creating a new waste type. From here, simply enter a desired type name, and a sort order number. This determines where the type will appear in its associated selection fields. 

Select SAVE to create the type, or CANCEL to negate it. Checking the Add Another? Field will keep the New Waste Type window active on saving your current type. 

  • Rows per Page - Select how many waste type rows should be displayed on the page. 
  • Show - Choose whether to review Active, Deactivated, or All types. 
  • (Show) - Select SHOW to apply filter criteria. 
  • Edit - Select the pencil icon to allow changes to waste type name and/or sort order. Select UPDATE to save your changes, or CANCEL to negate them. 
  • Deactivate/Reactivate - Select the red x icon to deactivate a waste type; select the restore icon to reactivate a type. Note that the appropriate selection must be active in the Show field. 


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