The Storage Location Review report displays all items assigned to a specific storage locations (or all storage locations of each inventory item). Additionally, the report displays whether or not the inventory of each item increased or decreased since the previous inventory session. 

Green up/down arrows indicate an increase/decrease in an item’s inventory. Red up/down arrows indicate that an item’s inventory increased/decreased more than 20%. This report can be accessed from the Reports module or from the Inventory module under the ‘Reports’ tab. 

Report Usage 

The report can help you monitor significant increases and decreases in inventory quantity from one inventory session to another. Additionally, this report can be used to view which inventory items are associated to one or more storage locations. 

Report Features 

  • Filter by location. 
  • Filter by Inventory Date. Note: The inventory session must be posted in order to view data. 
  • Filter by Inventory Cycle. 
  • Select whether to group by Inventory Item or Storage Location. 
  • Filter by Inventory Item Group. 
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.