The Setup Server Productivity page controls the setup for the Server Productivity Report. This page allows you to assign sale departments to columns displayed on the report, and it allows you to assign a primary metric. Note: You are limited to nine columns on the report; however, you do not have to utilize all nine columns. 

Basic Usage 

The Primary Metric Table: A table at the top of the page displays your primary metric. 

  • Edit - To change your primary metric, select the pencil icon
  • “Column Name” - User the drop-down field to select your primary metric from one of the following options: Per Guest, Per Check, or Per Entrée
  • UPDATE - Select UPDATE to commit your change
  • The Column Setup Table - The column setup table displays the Column Number and Column Name for each column that will appear on the report. Note: The 10th column name displayed on this table (“no column”) will ignore any sale departments assigned to it for the purposes of the Server Productivity Report
  • Edit - If you would like to edit a preexisting column name or add an additional column to the Server Productivity Report, select the pencil icon and enter the desired name into the ‘Column Name’ text field. Select UPDATE to commit your changes
  • 'Green arrow’ - Selecting the green arrow icon will activate the “Sale Departments” section and allow you to assign or unassign a sale department from the corresponding column
  • Assign - Select one or more sale departments in the “Available” column. (Select multiple sale departments by holding down the Control key on the keyboard while making your selections.) Next, select the icon to add the sale department(s) to the “Assigned” column
  • Remove - To remove sale departments from a report column, select a sale department in the “Assigned” section and select the icon. This will move the sale department to the “Available” column
  • DONE - Select DONE to save your changes
  • RUN REPORT - Select RUN REPORT to immediately navigate to the Server Productivity Report setup page