The Work Centers page displays all active and deactivated Work Centers. This page is primarily used as edit, deactivate, or reactivate existing Work Centers. New Work Centers are typically created on the Jobs page, however they can be created on the this page as well.

Work centers are a high-level grouping of Jobs for reporting. Jobs that are not assigned to a Work Center will not appear on most Labor Charts and some Labor Reports. Typical Work Centers include Front of House, Back of House, Training, and Management.

Jobs are assigned to Work Centers on the Jobs page.

Creating a New Work Center 

To create a new work center:

Click the 'New Work Center' button

The 'New Work Center' window will appear as the first line of the Work Center Table.

Enter the following information: 

  • Name -Display name of the Work Center as it should appear on most reports and charts
    • Note: This field is not editable after saving

  • Short Name -Abbreviated name as it should appear on Reports and Charts with limited space 
    • Note: This field is not required

  • Number - ID number for the Work Center

  • Exclude from Dashboard - Setting to ‘Yes’ will exclude the Work Center from Charts and Tables on the Dashboard Module. Additionally, all jobs associated with the Work Center will be excluded

  • Sort Order - Order the Work Center will appear in Reports and drop-downs

Click to create the new Work Center  or  to close without saving

The Work Centers Table 

The Work Center Table displays active Work Centers by default. Deactivated Work Centers can be displayed by changing the 'Show' filter. 

The Work Centers table displays the following information for each work center: ID, Work Center, Short Name, Number, Exclude from Dashboard, and Sort Order.

  • Edit - Click the pencil icon to edit. For more information on the fields available for edit, see the Creating a New Work Center section

  • Deactivate - Click the icon to deactivate an active Work Center

  • Activate - Click the  icon to reactivate a deactivated Work Center