The Budgets page allows you to view, edit, add, and upload budget information to be used throughout RADAR. To utilize this page, your chart of accounts (General Ledger codes) must be loaded into RADAR. 

Creating a New GL Budget Entry 

You can budget for a single GL Code without overwriting the other GL Codes in the currently loaded budget by selecting NEW BUDGET ENTRIES. You can also use this option to edit an existing GL Code. Upon selecting NEW BUDGET ENTRIES, the “New GL Budget Entries” window will appear. 

  • Location - Select the location for which to create a new GL budget entry
  • GL Code - Select the GL Code
  • Start/End Date - Select the date range by either typing the desired dates into the fields or by selecting the calendar icons and navigating to the desired days
  • Daily Amount - Enter the daily amount to be applied to the GL Code. Note: If you selected a date range (rather than a single day), the amount is applied evenly across all days in the date range and will not be weighted
  • SAVE/CANCEL - Select SAVE to create the new GL budget entry or CANCEL to close the window without saving

Step One – Designate the GL Codes to Budget 

If you have not previously uploaded a budget into RADAR, you must first select the desired GL Codes for which to budget. This is accomplished by selecting GL CODES TO BUDGET at the top of the page. 

After selection, you will be automatically navigated to the GL Codes to Budget page. For more information on selecting the GL Codes assigned for budgets, see the GL Codes to Budget page. Note: If you have previously loaded budgets in RADAR, the GL Codes that you used on the last budget upload will automatically be available.

Step Two – Generate the GL Budget Upload Template 

In order to upload your budget information, you must first generate and download the GL Budget Upload Template by selecting GENERATE UPLOAD TEMPLATE. After selection, you will be automatically navigated to a new window. 

  • Location(s) - Select the location or locations for which to generate the template. You may also select “All Locations”
  • GL Codes - Select which GL Codes you want to appear on the template. Select ALL to quickly select all GL Codes
  • Fiscal Year - Select the budget’s fiscal year
  • Columns - Select the template column time frames
  • Prefill Values - Select whether to generate a blank template or one with prefilled values from previous budget amounts or previous posted amounts
  • GENERATE - Select GENERATE to generate and download the GL Budget Upload Template
  • DONE - Select DONE to return to the main Budgets page

Step Three – Enter Budget Information into the GL Budget Upload Template 

When entering budget information into the template, please note the following: 

  • Entering an unrecognized GL Code will cause the upload process to fail unless the option “Create New GL Code” is selected. Existing GL Codes will not be modified (use Company Config ? GL Codes to modify a GL Code Name).
  • The system expects sales to be credits. Any GL that is a (credit) amount should be a credit in the file. 
  • If your range is multi-day (i.e. week, period), the budgeted amount will be assigned by day. The amount will be weighted for each day of week based on sales activity for the last 3 complete weeks. If you budget by accounting period, it will first be divided by the number of weeks in the period, and then each week will be weighted by the preceding procedure. Normally closed days will also be accounted for during the weighting process. 
  • If you are submitting daily budgets, older versions of Excel only allow 256 columns in a sheet. Use the "Days (First half of year)" and "Days (Second half of year)" options to break the year into 2 files for submission. Newer versions of Excel can handle more columns so you may use the "Days (Full Year)" option. Most companies will prep the file in Excel, but when you submit it, please remember that you need to submit a CSV file, not an Excel file, so save it as CSV before uploading it. 
  • It is a comma delimited file, so please format the numbers without commas as separators: 1234.50, not 1,234.50. 
  • For cells with no data use 0 or 0.00 - do not leave blank.

Step Four – Upload GL Budget 

In order to upload the budget template, select UPLOAD BUDGET. After selection, a new window will appear. Prior to uploading, review and select any of the special circumstances that may apply: 

  • Sales entered as positive numbers? - If you formatted your sales numbers as negatives (credits), do not check this box. If you formatted your sales as positives, you must check this box as sales values will be reversed before saving
  • Sales entered as net sales? - Most companies load Gross Sales figures. Budgeted Net Sales are then determined by backing out the budgeted comps and promos figures. This allows you to view both Gross and Net Sales budgeted amounts on the Key Information page as well as other areas of RADAR. Only check this option if you are loading Net Sales and do not want comps and promos backed out of the budgeted sales figures
  • Do not weight? - Amounts are weighted based on sales activity using three weeks rolling data from the budget upload date. Percentages are applied based on each week day’s contribution to sales for the week. If would rather have the budgeted amount spread equally across each day of the week, check this box
  • Include 'Normally Closed' days? - If you check this box, amounts will be spread across all days of the week even if a location is normally closed on a certain day of week
  • Create new GL Codes? - If you check this box, any new GL Code entered in the template will be created during the upload process. If unchecked, unrecognized GL Codes will cause the upload to fail

After selecting the desired options, select BROWSE or CHOOSE FILE (depending on your browser) to locate your .CSV file. Finally, select UPLOAD to upload your budget information to RADAR.

Step Five – Review your Budget Upload 

Upon uploading your budget information, you can review the information on the GL Budget table on the main Budgets page. The filters in the green area at the top of the page allow you to filter the information displayed on the table. 

  • Location Group - Select the location group for which to view GL Budget information
  • GL Code - Enter a GL Code into this auto-fill field to search for GL Budget information for a specific GL Code. As with any other auto-fill field, selections that match your typed information will appear as you type
  • Start/End Date - Select a date range by either typing the desired dates into the fields or by selecting the calendar icons and navigating to the desired days
  • SHOW - Select SHOW to view the results that match your search criteria
  • ‘Green arrow’ - Selecting the green arrow icon will allow you to view detailed budget information in a separate table on the right side of the page
  • Edit - Selecting the pencil icon will allow you to edit a budget amount. Select UPDATE to commit your change
  • Delete - Select the red x icon to delete a budget date and its associated amount. Upon selection, a confirmation window will appear where you can confirm or cancel the deletion