The Manager Log Settings page allows users to configure Manager Log module settings. The following settings can be configured: 

  • Sales Figures Comparison - This allows users to set up comparative metrics for the Sales Figures section of the Manager Log main page. Users may decide on the following comparative metrics: 
    • SDLY (Same Day Last Year) 
    • Budget 
    • Forecast SDLW (Same Day Last Year) 
  • Sales Figure Summation - This allows users to set up comparative metrics for future days in the Sales Figures section of the Manager Log main page. It will also adjust the comparative metrics in the last column of the Sales Figures section for previous days. Users may decide on the following comparative metrics: 
    • WTD (Week to Date) 
    • PTD (Period to Date) 
  • 'Action Required' Event Start Date - The date identified in this field dictates when custom date fields in the Employee Data Module (EDM) will start populating the Manager Log. EDM custom date fields created prior to this date will not populate the Manager Log
  • Exclude Non-Polling Locations - This setting will prevent non-polling locations from appearing on your company's Manager Log. You can designate a company as "non-polling" in Company Config ? Locations
  • Default Task End When Checked? - This will automatically set all new tasks to have the "End When Checked" toggle selected by default. Enable 'I Viewed the Log' button: This setting dictates whether or not the 'I Viewed the Log' button will be available for selection on the Manager Log main page
  • Manager Log Date Rollover Time - The time entered here is the time at which your Manager Log page will transition to the next day of business
  • Default Event Type on New - This sets the event type that will be selected by default when you add a new event
  • Task Default End Date Calculation + - When a new task is added, the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' have default dates. The default 'Start Date' is always the current date. The default 'End Date' is dictated by this setting. For example, if you set this to 1, the default end date for all newly added tasks will be the current date + 1
  • Alert Assignee if Task Changes - If a user has edited or deleted a task that is currently assigned to a different user, the assigned user will receive an email alerting them of the change or deletion if this setting is selected
  • Incident Email Subject Line - This will set up a default incident email subject line for new incidents. Note: information inside brackets [ ] will be replaced with actual data. You may choose from the following subject lines: New Manager’s Log Incident – [MM/DD/YY] AT [LOCATION] [LOCATION] Manager Log [Log Type] – [MM/DD/YY] AT [LOCATION] 
  • Task Sort By - This setting determines the order in which tasks are sorted on the Manager Log page. Order Added Assigned User (alphabetically, by last name) 
  • Show Deactivated Locations - This setting dictates whether or not Manager Log's for deactivated locations can be viewed
  • Default Staffing Type on New - This sets the staffing type that will be selected by default when you add a new staffing entry 
  • Staffing: Show Employees at - This setting dictates whether the “Staffing” section displays only the employees at the selected location or all locations