The Purchase Orders page allows you to view and edit existing purchase orders or create a new purchase order. 

Basic Usage

  • Location Group - Select the location or location group for which to view invoices.
  • Start Date / End Date - Select your start and end date by either typing the desired date into the fields or by selecting the calendar icon and navigating to the desired day.
  • Vendor - Enter a vendor name into this auto-fill field to view Purchase Orders for a particular vendor. As with any other auto-fill field, selections that match your typed information will appear as you type. This information is populated through the Vendor List page. If the purchase order is going to a new vendor, you must first set up the vendor’s information before you create a new invoice.
  • PO Number - Enter the purchase order number in the corresponding text box to search for a specific Purchase Order.
  • Rows per Page - Adjust the size of the Purchase Orders table by selecting how many purchase orders to show per page.
  • Display - Select whether to show active purchase orders, deactivated purchase orders, or all purchase orders. “Active” is selected by default.
  • Invoice Link Status - Select whether to show all purchase orders, purchase orders linked to invoices, or purchase orders not linked to invoices. "All Purchase Orders" is selected by default.
  • SHOW - Select SHOW to view all purchase orders that match your search criteria. 

New Purchase Order

In order to create a new purchase order, select NEW PURCHASE ORDER. The New Purchase Order window will appear where you can enter the following information:

  • Location - Select the location for which you would like to create a new purchase order.
  • Vendor - Enter a vendor name into this auto-fill field. As with any other auto-fill field, selections that match your typed information will appear as you type. This information is populated through the Vendor List page. If the purchase order is going to a new vendor, you must first set up the vendor’s information before you create a new invoice.
  • PO Number - Enter the desired purchase order number for which you would like to create a new purchase order.
  • Template - Select a purchase order template to use to help you create the new purchase order. Note: You cannot select both a template and an invoice number.
  • From Invoice - Enter an invoice number from which to create a new purchase order. This is an auto-fill field, so selections that match your typed information will appear as you type.
  • Order Date - Select the purchase order date by either typing the desired date into the field or by selecting the calendar icon and navigating to the desired day. 

Purchase Order Table

The Purchase Orders table displays the following information for each purchase order: Location, PO Number, Vendor, Invoice, Order Date, and Amount.

  • PO Number - If you select a PO Number, you will be navigated to the Purchase Order Details page for that particular purchase order.
  • Vendor - If you select a vendor, you will be navigated to the Vendor List page for that particular vendor.
  • Invoice - If you select an invoice number, you will be navigated to the Invoice Details page.
  • Edit - In order to edit a purchase order, select the pencil icon. This will navigate you to the Purchase Orders detail page. For more information on editing a purchase order, please see the Purchase Orders Details page.
  • Delete - To delete a purchase order, select the red x icon. Upon selection, a pop-up window will appear that will give you the opportunity to confirm or cancel the deletion